Sunday 13 December 2009

A drunken rant

Jager is warming, in the same way that you can heat your self in winter by toasting your self up by licking ice. But regardless i've attempted the first jager based labotomy so I can write a new blog.

And hell it worked.

So all you are shouting (all -3 of you) why haven't you updated this awful piece of your besetted internet. And my excuse is in multiple areas. And this may contain spelling mistakes, as I'm not using my small Norwegian associates laptop which runs a spell checker as she needs to work, and I'm a tad sloshed.

It happens to us all, particularly this point of the year.

So first obvious excuse is that I have a job doing things for a company which I cannot tell anything about for legal reasons. Hehe Cheeky legs. But I'm banking like a banker, one that doesn't have the drive of Gary Bray and I'm doing my best to not get sacked. I feel I might get taken on if I don't write too many blogs, of which the content the daily mail cannot find a story from. And lets faucet, 10% of the daily mail is about incompetant bankers, and 25% is about animals in gay waistcoasts and the rest is about foreigners doing this and that, and we really don't like them doing it.

My head is acutely spinning.

Tonight it took us about twenty minutes to realise we shouldn't go in a Goole club. The only time before I ended up dancing to a mirror and sticking out my tongue to stretch it, and this time we didn't get over the threshold. And that is a good word.

McNulty rocks and all that jazz.

I would post a picture, but I haven't been painting, or am near any camera to photograph anything. But I shall leave the image of Alistair Darling doing the Hustle

Brain shutting down now..... James Cameron... shit...

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