Saturday 2 January 2010

'...and a happy new year'

Just keep this short due to Bond films being on television and lack of effort.

Two thousand and ten, or twenty ten, or two nought one nought. Either way it's still another year on the list, and one very close to what the mayons called the end of the world or possibly their calander maker forgot to keep going after 2012. It's still not a good film.

So anyway I have been employed by the old bank to do something with other peoples money, all for the generous amount of minimum wages. Still I've spent the last month doing something else for banks, but mainly the job was writing numbers of pieces of paper and laughing at passport photos. But what can you do? But this time the job comes with perks, yes, this time I get to use a phone. A phone I tell you! And training is given for once! Perks all around, with plenty of banter.

So what a year it has been, with many movements and masses of travellings to hither and dither. I've always had the question put to me, where do I see myself in a year? Well a year ago I didn't think I'd be living in Manchester, by this logic I have no idea where I could be. Russia perhaps. Space? Who knows. But regardless, I'm glad I'm not in Goole. Or in a mouldy Hull house.

More later, when I can be bothered.
Hitler duck? What did you expect from Disney.

Love Dougal X

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